




Today, the United States is taking action to reimpose nuclear-related sanctions with respect to Iran that were lifted in connection with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action of July 14, 2015 (the “JCPOA”). These actions include reimposing sanctions on Iran’s automotive sector and on its trade in gold and precious metals, as well as sanctions related to the Iranian rial. These measures will take effect on August 7, 2018.

All remaining United States nuclear-related sanctions will resume effective November 5, 2018. These include sanctions targeting Iran’s energy sector, including petroleum-related transactions, as well as transactions by foreign financial institutions with the Central Bank of Iran.

The United States is fully committed to enforcing all of our sanctions, and we will work closely with nations conducting business with Iran to ensure complete compliance. Individuals or entities that fail to wind down activities with Iran risk severe consequences.

I am pleased that many international firms have already announced their intent to leave the Iranian market, and several countries have indicated that they will reduce or end imports of Iranian crude oil. We urge all nations to take such steps to make clear that the Iranian regime faces a choice: either change its threatening, destabilizing behavior and reintegrate with the global economy, or continue down a path of economic isolation.

My actions today – including my signing of an Executive Order entitled “Reimposing Certain Sanctions with Respect to Iran” – are consistent with National Security Presidential Memorandum-11 of May 8, 2018, announcing the withdrawal of the United States from the JCPOA.

The JCPOA, a horrible, one-sided deal, failed to achieve the fundamental objective of blocking all paths to an Iranian nuclear bomb, and it threw a lifeline of cash to a murderous dictatorship that has continued to spread bloodshed, violence, and chaos.

Since the deal was reached, Iran’s aggression has only increased. The regime has used the windfall of newly accessible funds it received under the JCPOA to build nuclear-capable missiles, fund terrorism, and fuel conflict across the Middle East and beyond.

To this day, Iran threatens the United States and our allies, undermines the international financial system, and supports terrorism and militant proxies around the world.

By exiting the JCPOA, the United States is able to protect its national security by applying maximum economic pressure on the Iranian regime. To date, my Administration has issued 17 rounds of Iran-related sanctions, designating 145 companies and individuals. Since my announcement on May 8 withdrawing the United States from the JCPOA, my Administration has sanctioned 38 Iran-related targets in six separate actions. Reimposition of nuclear-related sanctions through today’s actions further intensifies pressure on Tehran to change its conduct.

As we continue applying maximum economic pressure on the Iranian regime, I remain open to reaching a more comprehensive deal that addresses the full range of the regime’s malign activities, including its ballistic missile program and its support for terrorism. The United States welcomes the partnership of likeminded nations in these efforts.

The United States continues to stand with the long-suffering Iranian people, who are the rightful heirs to Iran’s rich heritage and the real victims of the regime’s policies. We look forward to the day when the people of Iran, and all people across the region, can prosper together in safety and peace.      

今天, 美国正在采取行动, 重启就与2015年7月14日联合全面行动计划 ("JCPOA") 有关的原暂停的伊朗核制裁措施。这些行动包括对伊朗汽车业的重新制裁, 也包括对其黄金和贵金属的贸易, 以及与伊朗rial 有关的制裁。这些措施将于2018年8月7日生效。

所有其他的与有关的核制裁将于2018年11月5日恢复生效。其中包括针对伊朗能源部门的制裁, 包括与石油有关的交易, 以及外国金融机构与伊朗中央银行的交易。

美国完全致力于执行我们的所有制裁, 我们将与与伊朗开展业务的国家密切合作, 以确保完全遵守。未能与伊朗断绝活动的个人或实体面临严重后果。

我很高兴, 许多国际公司已经宣布他们打算离开伊朗市场, 一些国家已经表示, 它们将减少或停止进口伊朗原油。我们敦促所有国家采取此类步骤, 明确指出伊朗政权面临的一个选择: 要么改变其威胁、破坏稳定的行为, 重新融入全球经济, 要么继续走上经济孤立的道路。

我今天的行动--包括我签署了一项题为 "重新对伊朗的某些制裁" 的行政命令--与2018年5月8日的国家安全总统 Memorandum-11 一致, 宣布美国撤出JCPOA。

JCPOA, 一项可怕的单边协议, 它未能实现阻止伊朗核炸弹的所有路径的根本目标, 它向一个不断散布流血、暴力和混乱的凶残独裁政权投掷了一条现金生命线。自从达成协议以来, 伊朗的侵略行为增加了。该政权利用了它在 JCPOA 下收到的新资金的横财, 以建造有核能力的导弹, 资助恐怖主义, 并在中东和其他地区发生燃料冲突。

到今天, 伊朗威胁美国和我们的盟友, 破坏国际金融体系, 支持世界各地的恐怖主义和好战的代理人。

通过退出 JCPOA, 美国能够通过对伊朗政权施加最大的经济压力来保护其国家安全。迄今为止, 我国政府已经发出了17轮与伊朗有关的制裁, 指定了145家公司和个人。自从我在5月8日宣布从 JCPOA 撤出美国以来, 我的政府在六项单独行动中批准了38项与伊朗有关的目标。通过今天的行动, 而言与核有关的制裁进一步加剧了德黑兰改变其行为的压力。

在我们继续对伊朗政权施加最大的经济压力时, 我仍然愿意达成一项更全面的协议, 处理整个政权的各种恶性活动, 包括其弹道导弹计划和对恐怖主义的支持。美国欢迎志同道合国家在这些努力中的伙伴关系。

美国继续与长期受苦受难的伊朗人民站在一起, 他们是伊朗丰富遗产的合法继承人, 也是该政权政策的真正受害者。我们期待着有一天, 伊朗人民和整个地区的人民能够在安全与和平中共同繁荣。


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